How to Unregister the Lost Telkomsel Card
How to unregister a lost Telkomsel card is actually quite easy to do. As you know, this cellular operator is made by the Telkomsel government. And the name of this operator is very attached to the hearts of the Indonesian people. Especially if they are old cellphone users. At the beginning of the development of the telecommunications world in this country, there were only 2 operators that we could use, namely Telkomsel and Indosat. Reaching and serving the whole country is a jargon from Telkomsel. It can be said that only this operator has the widest coverage. There are quite a number of products that this company has released such as sympathy, AS, Halo and also Loop. When you buy a starter pack from Telkomsel, you are required to register or register first. You also need to provide an ID card or Family Card to find out your NIK number, so it can be used in the registration process. This is in accordance with Kominfo regulations that require all SIM card users to register onli...